You must have protein-rich foods like seafood, chicken, eggs, milk, yogurt etc. Iron:Hair need oxygen-rich blood for healthy hair growth and hemoglobin is responsible for transporting the oxygen in the blood. Vitamin B foods are bananas, chicken, salmon, eggs, lentils, peas, oranges etc. Vitamin C foods are capsicum, strawberries, pineapple, oranges etc.It means we need a proper diet if we want a sufficient quantity of nutrients for all of our organs. Moreover, it is an essential nutrient for the health of hair. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs):Dry skin or elbows are a sign of EFA deficiency. The hairs start to fall severely and lose their shine. However, if we improve our diet at the initial stages, we may reduce the chance of severe hair loss. Zinc:White lines on nails are a clear observation of zinc deficiency. Therefore, protein is one of vitally needed nutrient for hair.

Vitamin C:Vitamin C is a vital nutrient for the absorption of iron. Therefore, nutrition deficiency is the main cause of hair loss. Main iron rich food items include spinach, kale, asparagus, peas, seafood, beans etc. Some DHA Suppliers of the components of a healthy diet for hair are given below:Protein:Hair is made up of more than 90% protein. The foods that contain Beta Carotene include carrots, spinach, sweet potato, mangoes, pumpkin etc. Vitamin B:Vitamin B is essential for the creation of red blood cells and is necessary for keeping the hair follicles healthy and strong. Our brain comes at the first place and then the other organs get the nutrients. Deficiency of some of the nutrients may be examined by the following observations:Iron:In a blood test, if the level of serum ferritin is low, it shows the deficiency of iron. Iron rich food is important to keep the level of hemoglobin at its normal level.

Vitamins A:Cells and tissues are dependent on the foods rich in beta carotene which is finally converted to Vitamin A. When there is a nutrient deficiency in the body, our hair gets a low priority level in comparison of the other organs. However, at severe stages, you need some special hair restoration treatments like PRP Hair Loss Treatment etc. What is a healthy hair diet?As mentioned above, proper nutrition is important for every organ but the system of the body send all the nutrients to the body part according to the priority level.Link between Nutritional Deficiency and hair lossThe premier sign of nutritional deficiency is thinning of hair and slow hair growth. Nowadays, PRP Hair Loss Treatment is one of the main hair loss treatments for all the stages of hair loss.Links between Diet and Hair LossPosted by soniya on June 6th, 2017As we know, all the parts of our body need nutrition for remaining healthy and functioning well. As a result, hair loss takes place. You may be facing different hair loss problems but most of the problems can be minimized with the help of a healthy diet. You can contact to a nutritional expert or hair loss expert to know the exact cause of your hair loss problem. Like other parts, our hair also needs a constant supply of different nutrients.. Protein:poor immune system, colds, fatigue, and anemia show deficiency of protein